Gender and race – Dr. Vanessa Apea Welcome to your Gender and race - Dr. Vanessa Apea Trichomoniasis is eight times more common in South Asians? a. True b. False According to PHE data females aged 15 - 24 have the highest rates of new STI diagnoses? a. True b. False According to genetic differences race is the classification of humans? a. True b. False The 'Behaviour change wheel' (a model of behaviour change) describes that capacity, opportunity and motivation all influence behaviour change? a. True b. False Socio-economic status is the most important factor in explaining racial disparities in health? a. True b. False In renal adjustments for race in the eGFR calculation it is assumed that black people have a higher serum creatinine due to muscle mass? a. True b. False Time's up
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